Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Minute of Thought is Worth More than an Hour of Talk.

I have been reading a great Women's Devotional Book and just recently came across this story so I thought I'd share it on my blog.

A heart doctor was amazed at the great improvement that one of his patients had made. When he had seen the woman a few months earlier, she was seriously ill in the hospital, needing an oxygen mask. He asked the woman what had happened.

The woman said, "I was sure the end was near and that you and your staff had given up hope. However, Thursday morning when you entered with your troops, something happened that changed everything. You listened to my heart; you seemed pleased by the findings, and you announced to all those standing about my bed that I had a "wholesome gallop." I knew that the doctors, in talking with me, might try to soften things. But I knew they wouldn't kid each other. So when I overheard you tell your colleagues I had a wholesome gallop, I figured I still had a lot of kick to my heart and could not be dying. My spirits for the first time were lifted, and I knew I would live and recover."

The heart doctor never told the woman that a third-second gallop is a poor sign that denotes the heart muscle is straining and usually failing!

Just a few words can be enough to make a difference in a person's life. How important is it to choose our words wisely!

I really enjoyed this message and I hope you do too.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Marketing Tools Shared Easily with Others

I found this program online called and they allow you to create screenshots from your computer and talk to educate others on what your are trying to teach them for free. I thought it was cool so I am giving the program a try. So far I've created a tutorial about Marketing Tools and uploaded it to their website. I still have some technical areas that could use some help but for now it is a step in the right direction. I have attached the link so that my video can be viewed for others to enjoy my testing...

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Time Zone Challenge

I have been trying to find a great app for checking the time quickly in the different time zones. Currently I haven't found the perfect fit to what I'd like to use.

I want something that all you have to do is put in your local time and then ask for the specific time zone your looking for and it will let you know.

The best one I can find for now is

Time zones based on 12:00 pm Eastern Time:

PT time - 3 hours behind 09:00 am
Mountain time- 2 hours behind 10:00 am
Central time- 1 hour behind 11:00 am
Eastern time- n/a 12:00 pm
Atlantic time- 1 hour ahead 1:00 pm
Alaska time- 4 hours behind 08:00 am
Hawaii time- 7 hours behind 05:00 am

Friday, September 4, 2009

Emv MonaVie Youtube challenge

I just created a few Emv Youtube videos to join in the challenge for the Smart Car and free Emv drink. I hope you enjoy the latest video:)

You can check out my youtube account by going to



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