Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Twenty Four Days Till Christmas Day Advent Calendar

Last night we pulled out all our Christmas boxes and decorations and I found our Advent calendar.  We had bought it from Starbucks last year and ate a special candy a day and then flipped the box over to have a Christmas scene completed by the 24th of December.

I found a picture of it online at laurabloom and it's the same one.   So now that it's not filled with candy I decided last night to write 24 things that we can do and each day we'll pull one out and complete the task.  Here is the list if you'd like to be creative too.

December 1st - Go play HORSE basketball with the family.
December  2nd - Take a nice bubble bath.
December  3rd - Have Hot Chocolate as a family.
December 4th - Give a gift to your favorite charity, get your goodwill bags ready to drop off.
December 5th - Hold your loved ones hand or parents hand for 60 whole seconds:)
December 6th - Make a dessert and give the first piece to the youngest of your family.
December 7th - Play Cho Cho Train with kids.
December 8th - Build something fun with playdoo, blocks, or sand, or snow(based on where you live)
December 9th - Wear some funny hats and clothes and take funny pictures.
December 10th - Eat a favorite candy of your choice.
December 11th - Have a nice Hot Shower.
December 12th - Have a race with toy cars on a tabletop.  The winner gets to chose whats for dinner.
December 13th - Make an ornament for the tree.
December 14th - Give a hug to each person in your family.
December 15th - Cut out stockings and draw presents inside and color them.
December 16th - Create 1 Christmas card for a special person.  Holiday card ideas at Martha Stewart.
December 17th - Get some pots and pans and play a song
December 18th - Play Jingle Bells song and sing along, go here for lyrics:)
December 19th - Have your favorite ice cream sundae
December 20th - Go for a bike ride or a walk.
December 21st - Shake a snowglobe and watch the snowfall.
December 22nd - Make a train set and watch a train video

December 23rd - Sing The Twelve Days of Christmas, you can click this link to get the lyrics.

December 24th - Open one gift per family member to celebrate Christmas Eve.

December 25th - Merry Christmas

Hope you enjoy each day, we just Horsed around the house and will go outside soon and play Horse Basketball.

Happy Holidays,

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