Thursday, May 7, 2009

Upline Steve Merritt Shares the Plan

I just found this great video about why my Upline Steve Merritt loves sharing the MonaVie Juice.

Visit the corporate website at ID#77721

Having Fun On WWW

I have been having fun on the world wide web for the last month and haven't updated my blog for a while. I went to the library the other day and ended up finding 10 books that I had to check out and try and read:) I love great inspirational books and different life stories. I read Matt Hoover's Guide to Life & Weight Loss and some Organization books, along with One Minute Entrepreneur. I've enjoyed all of them but I currently have about 5 books left that I haven't been able to finish to the end. I love the library but I don't get to keep them and so I feel bad that I can't end the story. I guess its a learning curve for me as I need to check out only three books at a time to really be able to finish them and enjoy them. I read twitter daily and love the different subjects from so many different people. Somedays I read about Africa, some days I read about Health and mostly I pick up on inspirational quotes and RT them. I just found a photo canvas company that I'd like to learn more about. Photography is a hobby of mine along with scrapbooking but I have to be able to finish some things so they don't get as much time as I'd like. My husband just brought me a rose cupcake to eat. I love him and thank him. I will enjoy every bit and then do some WII Yoga before bed tonight. I'll be back but for now I hope that my weekend & those other Mother's out there have a Wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday.


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