Saturday, January 30, 2010

Daily Routines Of Interesting People

Women in Business Article on Daily Routines

I have always been interested in how successful people layout their daily routines. I found this article on line at and you can click on the link above to view. I imagine that most interesting people don't sit in front of the couch watching show after show. I would think they would be engrossed in their passion whatever it might be, art, music, acting, leadership, photography, internet/social media marketing. The list goes on. A great book could be titled, "The Daily Routines of Influential People". Perhaps someday I'll interview 10 extraordinary people and layout their routine for others to review. For now I'll just have to think about what my perfect Routine would be and work towards that.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Time Management and Business Success

I just recently left a post on Poshmama's social networking site about Time management.  I'm reading a good book called The Carrot Principle by Adrian Gostick & Chester Elton that talks about Leadership and ways to Accelerate productivity. So far I thinking time management is a process, starting out with setting goals and then moving on to the farming process as per my review of the book. I have struggles with my own time management and always look for tips so I would love to hear how your review goes. The biggest tip I can give is to plan your day the night before with the biggest tasks first and then the smaller tasks towards the end of the list. Seems to help me get things accomplished. All the best on your article.  Article


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