Monday, May 30, 2011

Preparing for Father's Day

Tiny Prints is your one stop shop this Father's Day with a great selection of customizable Father's Day Cards. They allow you to create individual personalized cards with photos, custom text and even embedded gift cards and have cards for every father in your life from your dad, to your grandfather, father-in-law, brother and son. In a matter of seconds, you can create personalized Father's Day Cards and have Tiny Prints mail them directly to you or the recipient. Instead of sending a generic run-of-the-mill card, search Tiny Prints for a selection of unique cards that are humorous, sentimental, show appreciation or poke fun at your Dad's favorite hobby.

From now until June 6th, Tiny Prints is running a special promotion offering customized Father's Day cards as low as $.99. Just use the code GC99 at checkout.

Glad that's taken care of, now I can check mark card off my to do list:)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Make it so

I have really enjoyed 3 Seconds - The Power of Thinking Twice by Les Parrott, PhD. 

I loved the true life stories he talked about throughout the book.  If we could only pause before we respond and calmly count 3 seconds and think before we speak our conversations would be more meaningful and we'd achieve more in life. 

The words of Commander Jean-Luc Picard "Make it so" are the catalyst to getting things done instead of waiting around for the perfect opportunity.

It's also amazing how Lou Holtz had a list of over 107 "Impossible" Goals and has completed 81 of them.  I will be completing my Dream goal list.

Great book from start to finish.


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